Books or Authors

The Accidental Reef

The Death & Life of the Great Lakes

Jerry Dennis

Fish For All

Fishing the Great Lakes

Fixing Niagara Falls

Fresh Water

Great Lakes For Sale

The Great Lakes Water Wars

Dylan Miner

Loreen Niewenhuis

Mastering the Inland Seas

Masters of Empire

Nibi Emosaawdang

The Poisoned City

Sustaining Lake Superior


Great Lakes Resources

Alliance for the Great Lakes

Boundary Waters Treaty

Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority


Circle of Blue

Clean Water Action

Environment & Climate Change Canada 

Environmental Law & Policy Center

The Environment Report

FLOW: For Love of Water

Friends of the St. Clair

Great Lakes Compact

GL Commission

GL Echo

GL Env. Law Center

GL Fisheries Convention

GL Fishery Commission

GL Gardens at UM's MBGNA

GL Governors & Premiers

GL Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission

GL Information Network

GL Law Blog

GL Now on PBS

GL Observing System

GL Restoration Initiative

GL Water Quality Ag.

Healing Our Waters

International Joint Commission

Maritime History

Michigan EGLE

Mus. of Ojibwa Culture

Muskegon Critic

Native Justice Coalition

Nature Conservancy


Oil & Water Don't Mix

Polka Dot Perch

Polka Dot Perch
Underwater Videos

Resilient Michigan

Saugatuck Dunes Coastal Alliance

Sea Grant MI / WI /
Great Lakes 

St. Lawrence Seaway

Sturgeon Guard

Sunken Hazard

Sunken Villages

Tribal & First Nations Great Lakes Water Accord

Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition 


US Coast Guard District 9

US EPA Region 5

USGS GL Science Center

US Water Study

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The Great Lakes: A Paradox of Abundance

The Paradox of Abundance is a core theme in my Great Lakes writings. These writings consider the environmental history of the Great Lakes basin from multiple angles, including introduced species and biodiversity conservation, resource extraction and land and water protection, toxic pollution and environmental justice, water diversion and water sustainability, all influencing and influenced by evolving U.S.-Canadian-Indigenous legal, policy, and cultural frameworks for Great Lakes stewardship.



Research: I've carried out archival and field research along the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence basin--from Quebec City to Minnesota's Iron Range. As part of my fieldwork, I photographically documented a continuum of Great Lakes-St. Lawrence landscapes from hyper-industrial to wilderness. Some of these are hidden places, impossible to find without going off road and searching. This method has allowed me to "see," and to study their historical, spatial, and eco-cultural relationships at a level that archival research alone does not allow. Such relationships always raise questions of justice, restoration, and sustainability.



Great Lakes Protectors: If you want to learn more about the Great Lakes, the links at left will take you into the history, science, policy, law, economics, and citizen action that have shaped their past and are guiding their future. Perhaps not obvious from all the organizational names, but still critical to note: Indigenous communities--tribes and First Nations--are leading these efforts with organzied direct action, and also visionary approaches to science and management. Hopefully you'll be inspired to (re)connect with the Great Lakes at deeper levels, and to become active in their care and protection!



Photos On This Page: Top: historic ore dock pilings in Marquette's Lower Harbor, Michigan. Row 2: Gate 5, Chemical Valley, Sarnia, Ontario (left); Enbridge pipeline over the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Illinois (right). Row 3: mouth of the Two Hearted River on Lake Superior, Michigan (left); Pier 25, Port of Hamilton, Ontario (right). Row 4: Lake Michigan from the Muskegon Ferry (left); Pictured Rocks National Lake Shore, Lake Superior (right).  Row 5: the Algosoo, Port of Hamilton, Ontario (left); electric fish barrier to keep Asian Carp from entering the Great Lakes watershed via the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal (right). All photos are Copyright © Lynne Heasley, and may not be used or reproduced without permission.



Research or Programmatic Support: I'm grateful for suppport from Michigan Humanities (a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities), the Canadian Government's Canadian Studies Research program, and also from Western Michigan University: the Faculty Research and Creative Activities award; Arts and Sciences College Discovery and Dissemination award; Department of History Burnham Macmillan Fund; and the Institue of the Environment and Sustainability Gwen Frostic Endowment. A special tribute to artist Glenn Wolff, who illustrated my recent book, The Accidental Reef and Other Ecological Odysseys in the Great Lakes. See three of Glenn's amazing illustrations below.